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Allen Hotel

Find flexible check-ins at the Allen Hotel San Francisco, CA. This Allen Hotel is located at 1693 Market Street, 94103, San Francisco, CA, USA. This Allen Hotel offers a visitor with a premium elite family oriented and pollution free atmosphere best room choices and services.

Allen Hotel Accommodations Popular Property Amenities

  • Room Clock
  • Kids Safe Seats
  • Bar
  • Buffet Facility
  • Coffee/Tea Maker & Refrigerator
  • DSL Jacks
  • Daily Cleaning Service
  • Meeting Arrangements
  • Smoking/Non-Smoking Rooms
  • Room Service Choices
  • In-Room Safe
  • Kids Friendly Activities
  • Onsite Rooftop Bar
  • Flat-Screen TV
Children aged 10 years old and younger stay free when occupying same room with parent or guardian. Extra Charge for Pets. Check-in time 3 PM-midnight Check-out time is noon Express check-in/out Credit card or cash deposit required Government-issued photo ID required Minimum check-in age is 18. Language Available: Italian, Spanish, English, Arabic.

San Francisco, CA Local Weather

By all means before staying at Allen Hotel you should check local weather in San Francisco, CA.

Allen Hotel Accommodations Map and Directions

Get directions and contact details of this local accommodation near 1693 Market Street.
Tags: Accommodations, Hotels,

Address: 1693 Market Street, San Francisco, CA, 94103

Phone: (415)552-1641


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